106 N 79th Street, Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 782-2810

(206) 782-2810



How to...

(Click on the titles below to access the content.)

Baptize children.

Join a ministry.

Volunteer at mass.

Get help with a sacramental issue.

Put a notice in the bulletin. The Parish Bulletin is published and distributed at Mass weekly.  Notices and announcements must be submitted to HongPhuc Nguyen by noon on Wednesday the week before publication. Please submit hard copies or e-mail versions.  For further information, call HongPhuc at 206-782-2810 or hpnguyen@stjohnsea.org.

Help with coffee & donuts.

Register for First Communion.

Meet with Father Crispin. Please contact the office at (206) 782-2810 or parishoffice@stjohnsea.org.

Get communion for a homebound family member. Please contact the office at (206) 782-2810 with the information about your family member who needs communion brought to them. We will assist you in making arrangements with our volunteer team of Ministry to the Homebound.

Update my address, phone number or email.  Send an email to addresschange@stjohnsea.org.